Register for 2018 Soccer Banquet
Blue and Gold Ambassador Night: November 29, 2018 6-8:15pm at
Briarwood Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall,
2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL 35243.
Please join us to celebrate the year of Briarwood Soccer Club and all that God has done through the efforts and faithfulness of our coaches, players, and parents. We will have a great meal and be able to hear and see what the Lord did this year through speakers and videos. We will have a silent auction that you can bid on fantastic items, including vacation homes at the beach, the mountains, tickets to MLS games, Professional Team Jerseys, and much more. Please join us for a special night, there is nursery available for kids age 6 months to 4 years-old, you must register your children for nursery if you need that.
Please send payment for the meal to Briarwood Soccer, 2200 Briarwood Way, Birmingham, AL 35243 or drop off at the soccer office at Briarwood Church. $7 adults/$5 child 18 and under/$25 max per family.
Click HERE to Register & Pay Online.
Click HERE to Register Only Online & Pay with Check, Cash or Money Order in person.